Apply for membership, update your information, member benefits, retirement, wage & job information, pay member dues, training,
work opportunities, and more!
Speak with a Southern Benefit representative or login to your account online to access your benefit information such as coverage, claims, & forms (reciprocal) or request an ID card.
Speak with a representative or login to your account online to access forms & account information.
The union offers an employer-paid vacation fund for each hour you work. Participants can select below to login to their account.
Disaster Relief
Fill out our disaster relief request form to receive up to $1,000 to repair damage to your primary residence or personal property.
Work Opportunities
Check out some of the jobs we have available around the council, then sign up for the out of work list to opt in for dispatch calls.
Ready to Work
The quickest way to find work. Our automated dispatch system sends out job calls as soon as manpower is requested.
Training Opportunites
Sign up for classes at one of our 11 training centers around the council.
Jobsite Leader Training
Sign up for one of our many jobsite leadership training programs.
Central South Sisters
Join our all women's committee so you can participate in fun events with fellow female members.
Ready To Join The Biggest Revolution?
Click "get started" below to join one of the largest building trades unions in America with over half a million members.
UBC Members Account
Sign in to your UBC members account to update your contact information and more!
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